Woes of a Wanderer 

I can’t love everyone the same, 
I’m only human. 

I live, love, forget, laugh, cry and sometimes get filled with disdain 

I live in the moment, only a few days and I’m gone. 

I sense opportunities and I take them. Like everyone else I’m selfish. 

I want to be happy so I go where I find happiness. Only to be told in the face I’m wicked and inconsiderate. 

What should I do then? 

Am I wrong to be human? Or should I play the cards of immortals? 

My clearest and candid opinions should be held back. Because they please nobody else apart from myself. 

I can’t hate, so I live freely……reaping repercussions greater  than what I bargained for. 

Life’s complexity makes me call for a mayday . Where could I go but to the Lord? 

I’m told to be wise. Does wisdom have its excesses then? 

Then I’m told not to please anyone. I became self- centered in my attempt.

 The same people who advised me are the same people now painting me black. 

I’ve tried. 

I’m trying to live right. Looking out for myself is all I ever did wrong. 

I have no regrets. Standing for what I believe in brought me this far. 

I believe in God and I believe in myself. 

I’m human but I want to be more. I want a taste of divinity and a foretaste of eternity.

I acknowledge that I’ll die oneday, 

And the good and bad I premeditated will be replayed on the day of reckoning

But until then I’ll strive for satisfaction,rising above odds and doing my master’s will.

I found a muse in my confusion. I’ve learned more than life could teach me. 

My days are young and the night is nearer than I could ever imagine. 

There’s no one else in my likeness so I have more reason to acknowledge my Creator

Till the story ends…………, 

 Uncertainties beckon.

 Philip N. A Larkai. 


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